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Beyond Survival: Sustaining Your Motivation In A Demoralizing World

Natalie Fayman, DVM, ACC, CPC, CPQC

In today’s frenetic and overwhelming world, staying motivated can feel like an uphill battle. This is especially true for dedicated professionals like veterinarians, veterinary practice managers, and veterinary team-members. But there's a secret for sustaining your motivation despite the challenges of a stressful (and sometimes distressing) life inside a veterinary practice.

The Power of Your "Big Why"

It's easy to lose sight of why you wanted to devote your life to vet med in the first place, when all you see are roadblocks that drain your energy. But understanding your "Big Why"—the deep-rooted inspiration that drives your passion—can render those obstacles powerless to stop you.

Consider why you even bother showing up to work each day? If your answer is "I need the paycheck so I don't lose my home"—you’re setting yourself up for burnout. What you need is a clear, deep connection to what's most important to you at a core-identity level.

Finding and Defining Your "Big Why"

To truly tap into your "Big Why" requires you to dig deeper than surface level motivations. Here are some questions to help you uncover and define your true passion and purpose:

  • What inspired you to become a veterinarian, practice manager, or vet-tech? What is the purpose that you feel you were put on this Earth to fulfill?

  • What values do you hold most dear in your personal and professional life?

  • How do these values align with the work that you do every day?

Exploring your answers to these questions will help you gain a better understanding of what truly drives your motivation to persevere in veterinary medicine.

Using Your "Big Why

The Trap of Aversion-Motivation

Most of us have experienced the short-lived results of aversion motivation. Whether it’s a diet driven by body-shame, or finding the courage to leave a lucrative but toxic work environment, self-motivating with the desire to avoid an unpleasant outcome usually ends in self-sabotage. Our survival instincts amplify our fears and prioritize seeking comfort in the moment. Suddenly, the long-term goal seems less compelling.

Maya Angelou once said, "You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated." Staying driven requires more than escaping discomfort; it needs a vision, a mission that fills you with hope and determination.

The "Push vs. Pull" Technique

The idea is simple yet profound. When you "push" yourself to avoid something negative, your path lacks a clear destination. It’s exhausting and unfulfilling. Any end-point that's away from the one you're running from is good enough. But when you’re "pulled forward" by a compelling and inspiring vision, your destination is clear and your progress effortless. Obstacles become irrelevant.

Brené Brown studies the power of vulnerability. She says, “Vulnerability is the birthplace of love, belonging, joy, courage, empathy, and creativity. It is the source of hope, empathy, accountability, and authenticity. If we want greater clarity in our purpose or deeper and more meaningful spiritual lives, vulnerability is the path.”

Connecting with your purpose and staying true to it is the real secret for unshakable motivation.

Love as a Motivator

Love is a potent force, and this applies to self-motivation, too. You wouldn't risk running into the path of an oncoming car for a phone you dropped in the street, but you wouldn’t hesitate if it were your child. A purpose fueled by love is far more enduring than one driven by fear.

Crafting Your Vision

To sustain motivation, you must have a vision that resonates with your core values. Something that keeps you going when it's easier to stop.

So answer the question: What really gets you out of bed in the morning? 

Is it the opportunity to do good in your little slice of the world? The chance to make your life, or someone else's life better? Is it the love of your family, or the vision of a better future that you're building for them? The more clear you are about your long-term mission and purpose, the stronger your motivation will be, and the less power your obstacles will have.


Motivation that's connected to your "Big Why" is an unstoppable force. This is the real secret to making your motivation unshakable, no matter how difficult or discouraging the circumstances around you. When you connect your goals with your core values, your passion and purpose will pull you forward through any challenge.


Need help remembering your "Big Why"? Click Here to schedule a free 30-minute consult to recalibrate your compass to True North.

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